Showing 17–32 of 43 results


Old Navajo ingot silver bracelet with 5 Hubbell glass 'stones'


Old turquoise, coral chip inlay bracelet with stylized kachinas or yeis, HMIJ, Gilbert Ortega


Original oil painting, Hunting Party by Robert Winter


Rare jar with lizards by Damacia Cordero, Cochiti


San Ildefonso Pueblo pottery, black on black awanyu bowl by Carmelita Dunlap


Silver bear paw overlay buckle, Hopi?


Silver, brass, coral necklace by Tony Aguilar, Santo Domingo/Kewa Pueblo artist


SOLD Original oil on canvas painting by Florence Graziano

SOLD "Pray for Us" pictorial Navajo rug, weaving

SOLD! NW Coast carved silver bracelet by Russell Smith

SOLD! Navajo silver & turquoise pill box, Carlos Romero, Thunderbird Shop

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